Be Globally Accepted :

Having a Project Management Certification allows you to speak a Global language. Having this certification makes you globally accepted and recognized. It also helps you be out of the hassle in new practices in different regions of the world. Your skills will be more relevant to recent times all around the globe.

Enhance your career opportunities :

A certified PMP professional is always on demand. A recent PMI commissioned analysis conducted by Anderson economic group looked at career growth for project managers which established a growth of 33% (nearly 22 million jobs) through 2027.

“By 2027, employers will need nearly 88 million individuals in project management-oriented roles.”

High demand equals to more opportunities in the advancement of your career.

Upgrades your leadership skills :

Next the most important concern of a project manager is to bring your whole team members under a single entity. You are responsible for identifying the strength and weakness of your team members. Because having complete knowledge about your team makes you a good leader. Having a PMP certification makes you an expert in this part of your work as well.

You will be recognized as an experienced professional:

Having a PMP certification means you are an expert in this field. As mentioned earlier PMP certification is accepted globally. As you posses a globally valuable certification you will be considered as more experienced and more capable in this field.

Earn More :

Lastly but more importantly you will earn more. End of the day all of us works for a pay. Having a PMP certification makes you earn more. According to Global knowledge IT Skills and Salary report, an average IT professional earns $109,985 annually. Those with a PMP certification earns $125,457 which is nearly 18% above the mean.